初心者OK インドカタックダンスワークショップ Indian Kathak Dance Workshop


We will hold Kathak dance workshop on 7th May! I know it is after long holiday… but please feel free to join us 🙂 Beginner, men, always welcome.

Teacher 講師:Rafia Bon
(Choreographer / Performer / Professor of Indian Dance)
フランスに在住のパキスタン人のラフィアさんが先生です!日本にいる間に何かしたい、と連絡を頂き 急でしたがその情熱の深さに感銘を受けて開催することにしました。ビデオをみましたが力強いカタックステップが印象的で動画でありながら感動しました。

Rafia Bon, born in Pakistan, is a disciple of renowned guru, Sharmila Sharma from India. Rafia has collective experience of over 20 years as a professionally trained Kathak, Bollywood & a Contemporary Dancer. She also performs and teaches semi – classical fusions and other Indian traditional folk dance forms.�
Rafia received her preliminary training in Indian classical dance (Kathak & Bharatanatyam) from the iconic and most reputed guru in Pakistan, Indu Mitha.


DAY: 5/7 月曜
Place: worcle Shunjukugyoen 202
東京都新宿区四谷4-32-4 B2
Price: 2000円

DAY: 7th May 2018
Time: 8-10pm
Place: worcle Shunjukugyoen 202
B2 4-32-4 Yotsuya Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
Price: 2000yen

Contact: lovebollywood.tokyo@gmail.com